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Antibody Conjugation Kits

Creative Diagnostics has designed the Magic Fast™ conjugation kit to enable the direct labeling of any antibodies, proteins, peptides or other biomolecules with an available amine group to accelerate life science fundamental research and the development of the diagnostic kit. Our technology can be used to label both small (e.g. 10 µg) and large quantities of biomolecules with ease. The researcher simply pipettes their materials into the vial and incubates for 2 hours.

Performance and benefits

  • Material selection: Any proteins, antibodies, antibody fragments, peptides or other biomolecules with available amine groups.
  • Linkage stability: Activation of proprietary reagents within the offered solution results in directional covalent bonding of different labels to the biomolecules.
  • East-to-go: All reagents included, from preparation to purification.
  • Rate: Instant reaction; the whole process less than 2 hours.
  • Consistence: Better control over the conjugation process. Good reproducibility from batch to batch.