Contents of Kit
1. Microplate wells coated with antigens, 12 microplate strips each containing 8 individual break-off wells in a frame, ready for use 12 x 8 STRIPS
2. Calibrator 1, 200 RU/ml (IgG, human), ready for use, 1 x 2.0 ml CAL1
3. Calibrator 2, 20 RU/ml (IgG, human), ready for use, 1 x 2.0 ml CAL2
4. Calibrator 3, 2 RU/ml, (IgG, human), ready for use, 1 x 2.0 ml CAL3
5. Positive control, (IgG, human), ready for use, 1 x 2.0 ml POS CONTROL
6. Negative control, (IgG, human), ready for use, 1 x 2.0 ml NEG CONTROL
7. Enzyme conjugate, peroxidase-labelled anti-human IgG (rabbit), ready for use, 1 x 12 ml CONJUGATE
8. Sample buffer, ready for use, 1 x 100 ml SAMPLE BUFFER
9. Wash buffer, 10x concentrate, 1 x 100 ml WASH BUFFER 10x
10. Chromogen/substrate solution, TMB/H2O2, ready for use, 1 x 12 ml SUBSTRATE
11. Stop solution, 0.5 M sulphuric acid, ready for use, 1 x 12 ml STOP SOLUTION
12. Test instruction --- 1 booklet
13. Quality control certificate --- 1 protocol
Performance Characteristics
Calibration: As no quantificated international reference serum exists for antibodies against Brucella abortus, the calibration is performed in relative units (RU).
For every group of tests performed, the extinction readings of the calibrators and the relative units and/or ratios determined for the positive and negative controls must lie within the limits stated for the relevant test kit lot. A quality control certificate contain
ing these reference values is included. If the values specified for the controls are not achieved, the test results may be inaccurate and the test should be repeated. The binding activity of the antibodies and the activity of the enzyme used are temperature-dependent. It is therefore recommended using a thermostat in all three incubation steps. The higher the room temperature (+18°C to +25°C) during the incubation steps, the greater will be the extinction. Corresponding variations apply also to the incubation times. However, the calibrators subject to the same influences, with the result that such variations will be largely compensated in the calculation of the result.
Antigen: The antigen used is Brucella abortus of strain W99.
General Description
The Anti-Brucella abortus ELISA is a supplement to the direct pathogen detection for the diagnosis of Brucellosis. Taking into consideration the clinical symptoms, detection of IgM and/or IgA antibodies and a clear titer increase of IgG antibodies in a serum pair taken after at least 2 weeks time can be seen as indication for an acute Brucella infection. Moreover, serological investigations are suitable for clarification of epidemiological questions.